The term ‘carbon footprint’ refers to the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of an individual or organization.To make clear or easier to understand elucidate: clarified her intentions. clarify - make clear and (more) comprehensible 'clarify the mystery. clar·i·fied, clar·i·fy·ing, clar·i·fies v. clar·i·fied, clar·i·fy·ing, clar·i·fies v. Clarify the meaning of definition: To clarify something means to make it easier to understand, usually by explaining it in. clarifies synonyms, clarifies pronunciation, clarifies translation, English dictionary definition of clarifies. clar·i·fied, clar·i·fy·ing, clar·i·fies v. clarifying synonyms, clarifying pronunciation, clarifying translation, English dictionary definition of clarifying.

It is important to clarify what is meant by climate change.In a heart-breaking text, she clarified that she never ever wanted to see him again. Language Bank define define Defining terms Clarify means to clear up confusion and make it all understandable.