Free beth moore daniel bible study audio
Free beth moore daniel bible study audio

free beth moore daniel bible study audio

The Daniel study included many but more often Beth likes to insert herself into the Bible text she is teaching. I liked the Daniel study, perhaps because of my interest in historical biblical details. In the others, Living Beyond Yourself, A Woman’s Heart, Stepping Up, and Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed (which Beth did with Priscilla Shirer and Kay Arthur), the questions were redundant and I simply got tired of filling in all the blanks. Out of the five Beth Moore Bible study workbooks I found in my basement only the Daniel study was completed. I went on and on to the next Beth Moore Bible study, hoping that maybe I would finally find what I kept missing. After consuming Beth Moore products, I felt like everything had to be an “experience” with God and if it wasn’t then certainly something must be wrong. She gets very detailed about her conversations with God but then, sometimes, has to remind her audience that she doesn’t mean she really hears His voice but that she senses it or He drops it into her heart and so, by her example, many of us women have learned that exact bizarre talk. I thought to myself, “Oh, isn’t she cute and bubbly, dramatic and so deep.” What a package right? However, as I continued to watch her videos with all of her big stories of God speaking to her and how she and the Lord would discuss all these life situations I would think,”Gosh, He doesn’t need to talk to me like that but I wish He would just say something!” Women actually believe God speaks directly to Beth Moore. I will admit when I first watched the video that accompanied the study I took years ago, I was instantly taken in. She is a very charismatic personality but mostly to a fault. I’ve done enough of her Bible studies to know that Beth’s usage of emotional words is her way to grab attention and draw women into her videos, books and Bible studies. Why does she use that language? Upon reading that phrase, I knew there was no need to go any further in the book. I know they are absurd but I wonder what those words mean to her. In the first words of the first sentence of the introduction Moore uses the phrase, “My romance with Jesus Christ…” She actually repeats the phrase on the same page! Reading back over these words instantly befuddled me.

free beth moore daniel bible study audio

I hadn’t read it since she gave it to me but since I had thrown my other Beth Moore materials out, I decided to peruse it once again. My friend’s sentiment is the only reason I kept the book. Thinking I had thrown away all of my Beth Moore books, I dug into a few cupboards in my basement and found three old Bible study workbooks and her book entitled “Jesus the One & Only.” I recall getting it as a gift from a friend in 2004 on the 2nd anniversary of my mother’s death. This caused me to go back and look for any Beth Moore literature I still had on hand. I was recently asked to give an account of my days as a Beth Moore acolyte. Thankfully, my days of Beth Moore Bible studies are over, but, wow, what a process it has been. Much of that bad teaching was from Beth Moore. Through naivety and not reading the Bible for myself, I followed some very unbiblical teaching over the years. This is the first verse I memorized as a new Christian many years ago, but I don’t think I fully grasped its meaning at the time. “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.” (Colossians 2:8 NIV) The Apostle Paul told the Colossian church, My husband and I are members of a Baptist church that adheres to the 1689 London Baptist Confession.

Free beth moore daniel bible study audio